

Mission Jagriti

Mission Jagriti came into existence in the year 2007 as the brain child of Parvesh Malik. 11th October 2007 is special date when few friends walked with him on the path social reformation and they founded Mission Jagriti NGO.


Active Volunteers

Our Projects

Vision and Mission of Mission Jagriti

By Parvesh Malik

  • Thought

    Alone we can do so little ; together we can do so much , and I believe the happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others…. Waiting for u only …yours Parvesh Malik .

Asked Quesitons

We Need Your Help

How to make a donation ?

It is not hard to make a donation right on the site. You only need to choose one of our campaigns that you love, then fill some important information in a form.

Becoming a volunteer is very difficult ?

It is simple to become a volunteer. You look for selected volunteer opportunities on our sites, fill all necessary information in the form and wait until we contact with you.

How can i raise fund for Needy people ?

We have many campaigns to support people living in the poverty. If you love to raise fund for them, contact with us to know more details about campaigns dedicated to the poor.

  • Let’s Give us your Helping Hand

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Our Eco - System Partners

Founded in 2007 with mission of good education, medical , environment, women empowerment and livelihood.


9355 288 288
C-194, Sector 50, N.I.T. Faridabad-121001


Mission Jagriti derives its name from “Jagriti ” a hindi word synonymous to “The Awakening“.

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